
When his parents surprise Jason with a family vacation to California, he is totally excited. Not only will he get to fly, he’ll have a chance to try out for Masquerade Mania! That’s before he learns that they will be camping cross-country in a sardine can (at least that’s what the contraption looks like). Jason’s willing to do just about anything to get a chance to be on Mania. Find out what Jason has to endure to finally get a chance to be on his favorite gameshow! (Yes, he really does have to wear pink underwear!)

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Thursday, November 8, 2007

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Friday, November 2, 2007

If you were trying to be on Masquerade Mania, what costume would you create? Why?

Saturday, October 27, 2007

What do you think?

Is there a game show on which you'd like to appear? Which one? Why?